SK: Advanced Form Builder

5.0 星(满分 5 星)总共 456 条评论

SK: Advanced Form Builder

5.0 星(满分 5 星)总共 456 条评论
Category:Forms, Surveys
Release Date:2024-03-20
Price:Price: Free
Popular with businesses in Singapore
Use directly in Shopify admin
Works with the latest themes
Developer:Squadkin Technologies
Developer Country:IN
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Create strong forms easily with in just 3 steps using our easy-to-use SK: Advanced Form Builder app.

Using our Form Builder app, you can create basic to complex forms with predefined templates or from scratch. Our app has templates like Contact Us, Booking Appointment, Warranty Registration, Wholesale Inquiry Form which compatible with all themes. Change look & feel of the form as you want using custom CSS. Form email will let you know from which page form was submitted. We have SMTP & Klaviyo integration which add user to specific Klaviyo list. Tag user when form

Using our Form Builder app, you can create basic to complex forms with predefined templates or from scratch. Our app has templates like Contact Us, Booking Appointment, Warranty Registration, Wholesale Inquiry Form which compatible with all themes. Change look & feel of the form as you want using custom CSS. Form email will let you know from which page form was submitted. We have SMTP & Klaviyo integration which add user to specific Klaviyo list. Tag user when form more
  • Create forms, collect customer data, and allow file uploads easily.
  • Create forms with predefined templates and manage forms by drag & drop feature.
  • Easy integrations of the Klaviyo, Gtag, FB Tracking, Add tag in customer.
  • Tag customer when form is submitted. Like: Wholesaler, Retailer, etc.
  • Personalized forms are designed to match your shop's style perfectly.

Category Rankings

CategoryCategory HandleRankTimestamp
Surveysstore-management-support-surveys42025-01-20 23:51:24
Surveysstore-management-support-surveys42025-01-12 14:31:04
Surveysstore-management-support-surveys42025-01-11 21:23:28
Surveysstore-management-support-surveys42025-01-11 18:11:59
Formsstore-design-notifications-forms42025-02-07 01:24:52
Formsstore-design-notifications-forms42025-01-20 22:38:45
Formsstore-design-notifications-forms42025-01-12 13:17:03
Formsstore-design-notifications-forms42025-01-11 20:22:16
Formsstore-design-notifications-forms42025-01-11 17:11:15