
3.1 星(满分 5 星)总共 58 条评论


3.1 星(满分 5 星)总共 58 条评论
Release Date:2017-09-12
Price:Price: Free
Popular with businesses in Singapore
Developer Country:CA
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Market products and link to checkout with Shopify QR codes.

Shopcodes are scannable QR codes that link customers directly to products on your online store. Your customers will be able to quickly scan Shopcodes with any smartphone camera and purchase your products with the tap of a finger. Integrate Shopcodes with your product packaging or marketing material, and then track conversions and traffic through Shopify Analytics.

Shopcodes are scannable QR codes that link customers directly to products on your online store. Your customers will be able to quickly scan Shopcodes with any smartphone camera and purchase your products with the tap of a finger. Integrate Shopcodes with your product packaging or marketing material, and then track conversions and traffic through Shopify Analytics. more
  • Create beautiful QR codes for your products in minutes.
  • Easy-to-scan codes make it simple for customers to buy on their smartphones.
  • Track how many people scan codes and make purchases through Shopify analytics.

Category Rankings

CategoryCategory HandleRankTimestamp
Retailsales-channels-selling-in-person-retail102025-02-07 00:15:33
Retailsales-channels-selling-in-person-retail102025-02-05 20:43:59
Retailsales-channels-selling-in-person-retail112025-01-20 21:30:51
Retailsales-channels-selling-in-person-retail92025-01-12 12:08:06
Retailsales-channels-selling-in-person-retail102025-01-11 19:24:03