Mimoran Low Stock Alert

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Mimoran Low Stock Alert

0.0 星(满分 5 星)总共 0 条评论
Category:Stock alerts
Release Date:2024-08-14
Price:Free plan available. Free trial available.
Developer Email:mimorancommerce@gmail.com
Developer Country:VN
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Get notified when you're low in stock

We want to help merchants easily track the low stock products in their store with our automated and highly-configurable low stock notifications. You can setup low stock notifications to alert you by daily/weekly/monthly for 1 or all your locations and send email notification for unlimited recipients!

We want to help merchants easily track the low stock products in their store with our automated and highly-configurable low stock notifications. You can setup low stock notifications to alert you by daily/weekly/monthly for 1 or all your locations and send email notification for unlimited recipients! more
  • Receive notifications schedule your alerts daily, weekly or monthly
  • Send email alert to multiple recipients
  • Import low stock CSV file to email notification

Category Rankings

CategoryCategory HandleRankTimestamp
Stock alertsmarketing-and-conversion-upsell-and-bundles-stock-alerts302025-01-20 23:26:39
Stock alertsmarketing-and-conversion-upsell-and-bundles-stock-alerts282025-01-12 14:05:31
Stock alertsmarketing-and-conversion-upsell-and-bundles-stock-alerts292025-01-11 21:00:22
Stock alertsmarketing-and-conversion-upsell-and-bundles-stock-alerts282025-01-11 17:49:06