Google Reviews by Appio

5.0 星(满分 5 星)总共 124 条评论

Google Reviews by Appio

5.0 星(满分 5 星)总共 124 条评论
Release Date:2024-09-25
Price:Free plan available. Free trial available.
Popular with businesses in Singapore
Use directly in Shopify admin
Works with the latest themes
Developer Country:VN
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Display Google Reviews and testimonials from your locations on Google Map on your website.

Build trust and credibility with Google Reviews on your Shopify store. Display and customize 13+ widgets, filter negative feedback by keyword, and summarize positive reviews with AI. Global reach with automatic multi-language support.

Build trust and credibility with Google Reviews on your Shopify store. Display and customize 13+ widgets, filter negative feedback by keyword, and summarize positive reviews with AI. Global reach with automatic multi-language support. more
  • Sync and Display Google Customer Reviews with videos and photos
  • Option to filter out unwanted reviews by words or phrases
  • Sort and display preferred reviews: photos first, most helpful, highest rating.
  • 13 customizable widgets in a variety of beautiful styles + AI Summary
  • Auto multi-language support

Category Rankings

CategoryCategory HandleRankTimestamp
Product reviewsmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-product-reviews382025-01-20 23:18:54
Product reviewsmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-product-reviews342025-01-12 13:57:31
Product reviewsmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-product-reviews342025-01-11 20:52:59
Product reviewsmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-product-reviews342025-01-11 17:41:47
Social proofmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-social-proof322025-01-20 23:20:52
Social proofmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-social-proof312025-01-12 13:59:33
Social proofmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-social-proof312025-01-11 20:54:57
Social proofmarketing-and-conversion-social-trust-social-proof312025-01-11 17:43:45